Dear Visitor,

Thank you for visiting the Informationeering Media Services Website.

We have recently been commissioned by a major client to undertake and manage a substantial number of new editorial projects.

As a result, our publishing schedule is now filled up until 2020.

Therefore, our Research & Editorial Team will not be able to take on any new publishing projects for the time being, which is why the links to our services on the left-hand side of the page have been temporarily disabled.

However, in the meantime, we have decided to make public some of the general resources in our database that we have discovered in the past for our clients during our initial research into various specific publishing projects.

A list of these topics can be found on our sitemap and we hope that these general resources may be useful to you as a starting point if you are doing your own research into those topics.

Thank you for your understanding.


Jason Liu
CEO & Chief Informationeering Officer
Informationeering Media Services

Our Professional Research and Publishing Services include...

  • Proofreading
  • Copy Writing
  • Desktop Publishing
  • Page Layout & Design
  • Research Services
  • Fact Checking
  • Newsletter Production
  • Project Management
  • Writing
  • Technical Writing
  • Production Editing
  • Word Processing
  • Ebook Creation

Documents we handle include:

  • Advertisements
  • Articles
  • Books
  • Brochures
  • Business Documents
  • Business Proposals
  • Dissertations / Theses
  • Manuals
  • Manuscripts
  • Marketing Documents
  • Newsletters
  • Reports
  • Web Pages
  • and much more

    (All client documents
    will be held in the
    strictest confidence

  • Sitemap


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Email: webkeeper @