For the average person that is suffering through mounds of debt, filing for bankruptcy is the only apparent way out. It seems like the easiest way to handle the load. The fact of the matter is, when a person files for bankruptcy, they have announced to most creditors that they cannot afford to be leant any credit. A bankruptcy stays on your credit report actively for up to six months, but remains on your file forever. That means that you have permanently lowered your chances to buy a new home, or a new car, and many other purchases that require a payment plan,
Before you consider filing for bankruptcy, it is wiser to utilize all of the resources that you can. It will appear better to a future creditor. It is best for you to try to consolidate your debts so that you can afford to pay off your creditors first. Consolidation will help to lower your monthly payments so that you can focus on something else. Bill consolidation helps you to get your credit standing back on track. In the end, isn't that what it's all about? Why permanently damage your credit with a bankruptcy, when you can get your credit rating back?
About the Author
Written by Risto - Webmaster of credit cards comparison site Credit Cards Info