How To Choose Quilt Patterns

Quilting poses no limitations. A quilter can create designs as far as the imagination allows, which is probably why there are thousands of quilt patterns in existence today. Quilters just never run out of ideas and they pass them on from one quilter to another. The patterns keep on evolving then, which eventually gives birth to hybrid patterns.

Novice quilters may at first be overwhelmed by the enormity of pattern options. And this commonly becomes a problem especially when they figure that the pattern they have is actually not what they want to work with. The result is half-hearted commitment and a lopsided quilt, if at all it gets done. You can avoid this, though, if you consider the following when choosing a quilt pattern:

1. Identify your skill level. Before setting out, you must first realistically and honestly assess your quilting skills. This is important because a pattern-skill level mismatch can turn an otherwise beautiful pattern into a sloppy quilt. Patterns are normally classified as beginner/easy, intermediate, experienced/hard, so determine into which your skill level fits.

2. Decide on your intended theme or message. Quilt patterns are oftentimes thematic. There are patterns for holidays, nursery, seasons, among other things. If you are celebrating a birth, choose a baby quilt. If the quilt is for the approaching spring, choose a bright, floral quilt pattern. Consider the message as well. Do you want the quilt to convey a political message? An advocacy perhaps? An inspiring story? Whatever message you intend to communicate, make sure the quilt pattern represents it well.

3. Consider pattern combination. If your skill level allows, you can combine a number of patterns to achieve an exquisite and original look. Don’t be afraid to experiment because, in the first place, quilting encourages exploration of all your creative tendencies. Get out of your safe harbor. Think out of the box. Mix and match.

4. Determine how much time you are willing to commit. The simple patterns are of course quick to do, while the intricate ones may require a lot of time to complete. If you know you won’t be able to finish a pattern in a given time, save it for a future project. In the meantime, work with the pattern that you are likely to finish.

5. Get as many sources as you can. Ask fellow quilters for pattern suggestions. Some of them may even have designed their own quilt patterns. Don’t forget to also look samples in quilt shops and to research online. The good about the Internet is that you can find free quilt patterns—from the simplest and traditional to the more complex and intricate. Online patterns are too plenty you might want to create a collection. Of course, you can also try to look up in quilt books. These books are a compilation of designs derived from the traditional and old patterns.

Therefore, these designs, which may look new and complicated, are just as easy to do as the conventional quilt patterns you are familiar with.


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